
Legal Activities

The firm offers extensive knowledge and expertise in dealing with all issues relating to criminal law, gained from vast experience of operating a professional legal service for over thirty years, with particular regard to corporate, financial, tax and bankruptcy criminal law, as well as breaches of law against the public administration and all illegalities that relate to companies operating in the agribusiness sector. The firm predominantly specialises in:

  • Corporate Law
  • Financial Law
  • Bankruptcy Law
  • Banking Law
  • Tax Law
  • Crimes against Public Authorities
  • Environmental Law
  • Culpable Criminal Liability/Medical Negligence (medical/surgical)
  • Agro-food Sector Crimes (commercial fraud, mislabeling etc)
  • Urban Development Offences
  • Health & Safety at Work and Employment Law

Throughout his career, Enrico de Martino, Lawyer and founder of this Law Firm, has developed a depth of expertise in business law and all the various civil laws associated with it. He has actively participated in major company acquisitions as well as mergers of primary national importance, including many with foreign counterparts. In this context, he has collaborated with other specialists in various professional fields, both nationally and internationally, providing an invaluable contribution by participating in time sensitive moments of articulate operations, from the phase of due diligence up to and not exclusive of, the preparation and analysis of the entire contract.
The law firm provides seamless professional legal advice and extrajudicial legal opinions to numerous companies on the following matters:

  • Commercial Law
  • Bankruptcy Law
  • Due Diligence
  • Contract Law

Furthermore, the law firm provides advice in order to establish effective delegative systems (for example, safety proxies pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 81/2008) highlighting eligibility of sharing any liability arising from a crime within complex companies.

Preparing and updating the Organisation, Management and Control Model

The law firm provides a seamless end to end management of all activities concerning the preparation of the Organisation, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, from the preventative phase of analysis and risk management (Risk Assessment and Risk Management), to that of drafting the Model, as well as all activities regarding the implementation of the same within the corporate reality.

Legal Assistance for Suspected or Accused Entities

Based on a wealth of extensive experience in the field of liability for legal entities, the firm assists suspected or accused legal entities, partnerships and associations pursuant to Legislative Decree. n. 231/2001

Supervisory Board (Organismo di Vigilanza)

The firm assists in the formation and operation of Supervisory Board (Organismo di Vigilanza), with professionals covering the responsibility of the Supervisory Board for major companies and in some instances, also covering the responsibilities of the Chairman.